The fanny pack, an essential for carrying your keys, phone, wallet, without being weighed down by a handbag! You will never leave it again!
The bag is lovely - good quality and a nice look. However, it is more green than I expected based on the photos. I contacted the company to initiate an exchange and received no response.
I’m sorry to hear that the color of the bag did not meet your expectations. After checking, I was unable to find your return request via email. I would be happy to assist you with the return and refund process. Please feel free to reach out to me at this email address:
Have a great day,
Free delivery from $99 purchase + tax in Quebec and Ontario / $150 + tax for the rest of Canada (excluding remote territories)
Selection of ecological brands, ethical production in Europe, compostable/recycled packaging, circular economy.
We buy back your products purchased on and resell them for second hand (see conditions)
Exchanges or refunds within 14 days of receipt of your order (see conditions and exceptions)